about me ,

Foto saya
Im A Girlfriend , A Daughter , A Friend and might be your Enemy.

You all can call me gaby , what most people did. I love to eat eat eat eat and eat! My birth is 24 JULY 92. currently I am 19 ! keep judging. I'm a type of puppet that is so friendly and talkative. Im a lil bit naughty and I like to cry a lots even if its only a tinny winny minie problems! I loves shopping & do the bad thing! its really fun! ahaha.

♥ 14/5/2010 : IM TAKEN by Nor Ikhsan Taib .(FULLSTOP)♥

Isnin, 4 April 2011

Whyy oh ?

Kebelakangan ni mmy lain ohh ngan aku , aku pon tak tahu kenapee . Dia ade masalah ke ? Nak tanye , tapi takut dia cakap aku menyibuk pulak kan ? Tapi , aku kene buat ape ni ? Takkan buat bodoh je ? Haihh , aku betul betul buntu . Dah laa aku rapat ngan dia . Pape pon aku akan bagitahu dia kalau aku ade masalah . Uwaaaa , aku sampai nangis nangis pikirkan bende ni . Kusut tahu takk !

Nasib baiklahh ade bie aku , dia lahh mangse . Hehe , thanks for everything bie . Bie selalu ade time I perlukan youu ! Thanks a lot bie ! Aku tak tahu lahh kalau dia tak ade ohh ! Seriously , dia caring gilaa . I love youu biee .

Hahh , macam mane nie ? ape aku perlu buat sekarang ni ? Bagi mmy aku mase ? Yeahhh , maybeee . Bagi dia mase , kalau dia nak teman tok cerita masalah dia . Aku akan selalu adaaa .


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